shall be by ballot among the members and by a
Elections by
plurality of the members present, and members may
vote by proxy, such proxy being executed in writing
and filed with the judges of election before the bal-
loting commences, the election to be conducted by
three judges chosen from the members not directors ;
the judges shall certify under their hands and seals
the result of such election, to be tiled with the secre-
tary among the papers of the corporation; special
meetings of the said corporation may also be held
whenever called by the directors, or whenever re-
quested by twenty members, of which the directors
shall give at least ten days notice by advertisement
as above mentioned.
SEC. 4 And be it enacted, That the directors
shall have full power, on behalf of the said corpora-
tion, to make insurance within the States of Mary-
Effect insur-
land, Delaware and Virginia, against loss or damage
by fire on any house, tenement, manufactory, shop
or other buildings, and on goods, wares, merchan-
dise, furniture and effects therein; and on hay, grain
and other agricultural products in barns or stacks
or otherwise, and generally on all kinds of live
stock, goods, wares and merchandise, on land of
such kind or description, located in the said States
of Maryland, Delaware and Virginia, and within
such limits as may be permitted in the by-laws of
said corporation, and modified or changed from time
to time thereby; and to make, execute and perfect
all contracts, bargains, agreements, policies and other
instruments of writing as shall or may be necessary,
or as the nature of the ease shall or may require;
and every such bargain, agreement contract or policy
to be made by said corporation, shall be in writing
Be in writing.
or in print, and shall be under the seal of the said
corporation, signed by the president and attested
and signed by the secretary, and also by the party
insured or his authorized agent or attorney.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any person or
persons applying for admission and holding property
of such description as may be insured therein, may
enter such property on the books of the corporation
with a valuation thereon affixed agreeably to the
by-laws in that behalf made and provided; and
when any property so entered shall be destroyed or
damaged by fire, such valuation shall be made the