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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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said company shall have power to charge for freight,


towage and transportation on such vessels, such sum


or sums of money as may be from, time to time pre-


scribed by the directors of said company.


SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and


City Council of Baltimore be and they are hereby


authorized, on behalf of said corporation, to sub-


scribe for so many shares of the capital stock of the

to subscribe.

Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Ship Canal Com-


pany as they may deem expedient and proper; and


their subscription to said stock shall constitute the


said corporation of the city of Baltimore a stock-


holder in the said canal company, upon the same


and equal terms as other stockholders.


SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That whenever the


government of the United States shall propose or


agree to take charge of or construct the said canal,


it shall be the duty of the corporation hereby created


and it is hereby required to convey and transfer to

Duty to con-

the said govern ment of the United States, without


charge or compensation, all the powers, rights, liber-


ties, privileges, franchises and immunities granted


or conferred by this act, and the consent of the


State of Maryland to such construction and transfer


is hereby expressly given; and in case of the con-


struction of said canal by the government of the


United States, or of the transfer of said canal as


aforesaid in this section provided for the jurisdiction


and control over said canal is hereby ceded to the


United States, reserving nevertheless to the State


of Maryland concurrent jurisdiction as far as may


be necessary to serving therein of process by any


court or officers of the State, provided that the


transfer of the franchises, powers and privileges,


by this act conferred upon the corporation by this


act created, to the United States government shall


only be made and the jurisdiction of this State over


the said canal shall only be ceded to the United


States upon condition that the said canal shall be


maintained and kept open by the United States as a


free public highway; and that whenever after any


such transfer to the United States, any tolls shall be


charged for transit through the said canal, then and


in that event all the powers, privileges, rights and


franchises by this act granted and conferred shall


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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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