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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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or any part thereof, and the same to alter at their


pleasure; provided said tolls shall not exceed ten


cents per ton.


SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That all vessels shall


be free to navigate said canal upon equal terms;


and said canal, when so constructed and opened for

Public com-

navigation, shall be and remain a public commer-

mercial high-

cial highway, open to all vessels upon terms of the


most exact equality, and no higher tolls, by any


name or device whatsoever, shall be charged upon


or collected from citizens of any State than are


charged or paid as through tolls.


SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That for the


purpose of securing the complete opening of the ship


canal, so as to connect the waters of the Chesapeake


and Delaware Bays, the said company shall have pow-


er and authority to enter into such contract or con-


tracts, upon such terms and conditions as may seem


proper and expedient, with any other corporation


or person or persons whatsoever having authority


to cut or make any canal or canals in the State of


Delaware, in order that a connection may be made

Power to con-

with such canal or canals, and the object and pur-

nect with any
other canal.

poses of this act be now fully carried out: and


thereupon, on such connections being made, that


the said continuous canal or canals, and all and sin-


gular, its and their appendages and appurtenances,


may be used and employed by the said company so


far forth, as the authority of this State may extend,


to give any needful power thereof, as if such other


canal or canals lay wholly within the limits of this


State, and such contract or contracts as aforesaid


were made with the full approbation of the General


Assembly of Maryland.


SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That the said


company shall have power and authority to pur-


chase or hire, or build and construct, steamships of


such capacity as may be desirable for the purpose


of towing vessels through the said ship canal, or

Carry passen-

for carrying freight or passengers from any port to


any port through the said ship canal, or for carrying


and conveying passengers or freight that may be


transshipped at either of the termini of said ship


canal upon such vesels, or for carrying and conveying


passengers and freight for transshipments through


the said canal upon other vessel or vpssels; and the

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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