Chapter 176.
AN ACT to authorize the Western Maryland Rail-
road Company to make connections with the rail-
roads of other companies, and to cross the rail-
roads of other companies within one mile of
Hagerstown, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Amem-
bly of Maryland, That the Western Maryland
Railroad Company is hereby authorized to con-
struct such branches or tracks as may be necessary
to enable it to connect with any other railroad's
within the distance of one mile from Hagerstown,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in order to enable
said Western Maryland Railroad Company to exer-
cise the powers given by the preceding section, said
company is hereby authorized to cross any railroad or
Execise pow-
railroads now or hereafter constructed which may
lie between the Western Maryland Railroad and
the railroad or railroads with which such connec-
tions are to be made, within one mile of Hagers-
town, as provided in the preceding section, such
crossing to be at, above or under grade, as may be
determined by the president and directors of said
railroad company.
SEC, 3. And be it enacted, That if said Western
Maryland Railroad Company cannot agree with the
company, companies or individuals owning or oper-
ating such railroad or railroads to be crossed as
aforesaid as to the damages, if any, to be sustained
by such company, companies or individuals from such
crossings, or the compensation and terms upon which
such crossings can be made, the said Western Mary-
May condemn.
land Railroad Company may condemn the easement