making further appropriations for the support of Government
and Schools, and Reformatory Institutions for 1876, so far as
they relate to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Lying in Hospi-
tal and Aged Women's Home, and ask you to recede from
same We herewith return said bill.
By order,
Chief Clerk.
Which was read, assented to, and sent to the Senate.
And the bill named therein returned therewith.
Mr. Loane, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations,
repoited favorably,
A bill entitled an Act to incorporate the Baltimore City
Passeenger Railway Company, passed February 13th, 1862,
Which was read a first time.
A bill entitled an Act to incorporate the North Baltimore
Cemetery Company.
Which was read a first time.
A bill entitled an Act to repeal Sec. 176, of chap. 314, of
an Act passed by the General Assembly of Maryland at
Jan. session, 1870, entitled an Act to add additional Sec-
tions to Article 11 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Fred-
erick county, relating to the powers and duties of the Mayor,
Aldermen and Common Council of Frederick, to follow Sec-
tion 169, added thereto by the Act of 1868, chap. 87, and to
enact a substitute in lieu thereof
Which was read a first time.
A bill entitled an Act to authorize the County Commis-
sioners of Allegany county to levy money for the repairs of
that part of the United States road known as the National
road, lying in Allegany county.
Which was read a first time.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to incorporate the Tucka-
hoe Bridge Company,
Which was read a second time.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act passed at
the January session, 1860, chapter 250, entitled an Act to in-
corporate the Easton Passenger and Freight Railway Compa-
ny, as amended by chap. 376 of the Acts passed at the Janu-
ary session, 1864, and to re-enact the same with amendments.