minutes thirty-four seconds east one hundred and fifty feet
to an iron pipe monument set in the south edge of Sunnyside
Road; (30) thence with the said south edge of Sunnyside Road
north sixty-four degrees thirty-five minutes two seconds west
nineteen and two-tenths feet to the point of beginning, and
containing one hundred and ninety-four and thirty-five one-hun-
dredths acres, more or less, saving, excepting and reserving
from the above description the right-of-way of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad consisting of two and forty-two one-hun-
dredths acres, leaving the net area of this parcel one hundred
ninety-one and ninety-three one-hundredths acres, more or less.
BEING AND COMPRISING the lot of ground thirdly described
in a Deed from H. Clifton Byrd and wife to the State of Mary-
land, dated August 16, 1929, and recorded among the Land
Records of Prince George's County in Liber S. D. H. No. 337,
folio 211, the lot of ground described in the Deed from H. Clif-
ton Byrd and wife to the State of Maryland, dated August 16,
1929, and recorded as aforesaid in Liber S. D. H. No. 337, folio
209; and the lot of ground firstly described and a portion of
the lot of ground secondly described in a Deed from H. Clifton
Byrd and wife to the State of Maryland, dated August 16,
1929, and recorded as aforesaid in Liber S. D. H. No. 337,
folio 207.
(a) Deed from Nicholas Vermillian and wife to W. A.
Jarboe, Administrator c. t. a. of Mary McKnew, his heirs and
assigns, dated May 16, 1875, and recorded among the Land
Records of Prince George's County in Liber H. B. No. 7, folio
211, granting and conveying a lot of ground containing twenty-
nine and one-quarter square perches to be used as a graveyard.
(b) Deed from Henry A. Prather, et al, to Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company, dated March 10, 1834, and recorded
as aforesaid in Liber A". B. No. 8, folio 425, conveying a strip
of land containing two acres, three roods and thirty-two
perches constituting the right-of-way of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad through this lot.
(c) Reservation in the Deed from Fillmore Beall and wife,
et al, to George W. Beall, dated October 12, 1914, and recorded
among the Land Records of Prince George's County in Liber
No 99, folio 454, as to a right-of-way. This deed is set out
above as an exception to the description of Lot No. 4, and fol-
lowing the description the reservation reads as follows:
"Being part of the property which Chapin Brown conveyed
to Fillmore Beall, and being part of the property which George
W. Beall and wife conveyed to Chapin Brown by deed dated
July 24, 1890, and recorded among the Land Records of Prince
George's County in Liber J. W. B. No. 15, folio 424, in which