repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as
46. The Commissioners shall have charge and control
of the lighting of the streets of the town and shall have
power to contract for lighting the same, and shall have
charge and control of the water supply system, either
alone or jointly with the Mayor and Council of Delmar,
Delaware, a body politic of the State of Delaware, and
shall have power to contract with any water company for
the use of water in case of fire, for sprinkling streets
and other public purposes, and to employ all labor that
may be necessary, or authorize the Bailiff or Bailiffs to
do so, and to make all contracts for public improvements,
and to fix the price to be paid for same. The Commis-
sioners shall have power to make such by-laws and pass
such ordinances, not contrary to law and in conformity
with this Charter, as they may deem necessary for good
government of the town and the inhabitants thereof, to
prevent, remove and abate all nuisances and obstructions
in or upon the streets, sidewalks, highways, lanes, alleys,
drains, waterways or rivers, or in or upon any lot, and
to provide for imposing a fine upon any person causing
or creating such nuisance or obstructions; to prevent and
provide for the regulation of soft coal smoke from boilers
and industrial and residential furnaces; to grant permits
for and control and regulate the erection of all buildings,
specifying in all cases the material of which they shall
be built, and for what purpose used, and to have power
to remove, or order the removal, of any building that may
be a nuisance, or that may have been erected contrary to
any ordinance heretofore passed or hereafter to be passed,
or that may endanger any building contiguous thereto in
case of fire, and to enact ordinances and impose fines for
the enforcement of these provisions; to establish grades
upon the streets, alleys, gutters and sidewalks of said town,
the width thereof, and prescribe the material of which
they shall be built; to cause the sidewalks along said public
streets to be graded, paved, repaved or improved, and
curbs to be set at the cost and expense of the owner of the
abutting property, which cost shall be a lien upon the abut-
ting property, and recoverable by action at law, or com-
pel by fines or otherwise the owner or proprietors of any
such lot to grade, pave or repave the sidewalks, set curbs
in front thereof, agreeable to ordinances that may here-
after he passed; to regulate the erection and maintenance
of proper safety appliances by railroads at street cross-
ings; to establish a market house, by lease or otherwise,