and regulate the days, hours and limits thereof and mode
of dealing therein; to grant licenses or permits for all
hawking, peddling and the vending of any goods, wares
and merchandise of every description upon the streets or
highways of said town or to itinerant peddlers that go
from house to house to sell their goods, wares or mer-
chandise, or to itinerant persons who dispense patent
medicines or medical advice; to regulate and license all
nine or ten pin alleys, bowling alleys, skating rinks, pool
and billiard tables, theatres and moving picture shows
within said town, or to prohibit and restrain them, and to
prohibit and restrain gambling and games of chance of
all kinds; to provide for the restraining of theatricals or
other public amusements of an immoral or indecent nature;
to regulate the construction and maintenance of exits from
places of amusement and all public buildings; to regulate
to prevent firing of guns, cannons, pistols, rifles, sling-
shots, firecrackers or other explosives therein; to suppress
fires and prevent the dangers thereof; to establish and
maintain a fire department; to prevent and regulate the
storage of gunpowder, oil or other combustible matter in
such quantities and in such places as they may deem prop-
er ; to regulate the parking of all vehicles upon the streets
and alleys of said Town; to regulate the use of sidewalks
and all structures in, under or above same, and to require
the owner or occupant of the premises to keep the side-
walks in front of same and the gutters thereof free from
snow and other obstructions, and to prescribe hours for
cleaning same; to regulate and prevent the throwing of
sweepings, dust, ashes, offal, garbage, paper, handbills,
dirty liquids or other material into any street, alley or
public place, or on any vacant lot in said Town; and to
provide and regulate the public disposal of garbage; to
regulate or prevent the use of streets, sidewalks, and public
places for signs, signposts, awnings, awning posts, posts,
horse troughs, steps, railings, entrances, rocks, posting
handbills and advertisements and display of goods, wares,
and merchandise; to grant franchises and regulate the
putting of sewers or drains, on or under its streets, alleys
or highways and the charges for entering same; to grant
and regulate franchises to electric light companies, power
companies, gas companies, telephone companies, telegraph
companies, street railway companies, water companies,
sewer or drain companies, and any other which they deem
advantageous and beneficial to said Town or the inhabi-
tants thereof, in the manner provided by the Public
General Laws of this State and subject to the jurisdic-
tion, authority and approval of the Public Service