inserted at least a week for four successive weeks
before the day of sale, in at least two newspapers published
in Baltimore county, if so many shall then be
published in said county, and in at least three daily
newspapers published in the city of Baltimore; and in
case either the said county commissioners, or the said
mayor and city council of Baltimore, shall within the
said period of six months, refuse, neglect or fail to appoint
agents for the sale of said property, then the other
of said parties may appoint, not less than three competent
persons to make sale thereof; and such persons so
appointed, or a majority of them, shall sell the said
property, or so much thereof as may remain unsold, at
public sale, in such manner, and on such terms as they
shall determine; public notice, however, of any such
sale to be given as hereinbefore specified.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted,
That it shall be lawful
for the said county commissioners, and for the mayor
and city council of Baltimore, to fix the compensation,
not to exceed two dollars per diem, of the agents
or person to be by them respectively appointed for the
sale of the said property; and to take from them bonds
conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties imposed
on them, in such penalty and with such sureties
as the said county commissioners and the said mayor
and city council of Baltimore may respectively prescribe.
of agents.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted,
That the proceeds of
the sale of the said property, and of each part thereof,
after deducting therefrom the necessary expenses attending
said sale or sales, shall be equally divided between
the said county commissioners and the said mayor and
city council of Baltimore.
Proceeds of
sale to be
equally divided.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted,
That it shall be lawful
for the said county commissioners, and for the mayor
and city council of Baltimore, to purchase the said
almshouse property, or any part or parts thereof, at any
sale thereof, to be made under the provisions of this act.
Lawful to
SEC. 8. And be it enacted,
That the said almshouse
property, and so much thereof as shall from time
to time remain unsold, shall continue to be jointly used
and occupied by the said county and city, under such
regulations as the trustees for the poor of Baltimore
city and county shall from time to time agree upon and
prescribe, unless by the joint consent of the said county
commissioners and the said mayor and city council of
Baltimore, any change in the use and occupation thereof
shall be made; power and authority to make which
change is hereby vested in the said county commissioners,
Part remaining
unsold to
be jointly