and the said mayor and city council of Baltimore.
To take effect.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted,
That this act shall not
take effect unless the county commissioners of Baltimore
county, and the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
shall assent thereto, on or before the first Monday
of November, eighteen hundred and fifty-three; and
that it shall go into effect and be mutually binding
upon each of said parties, so soon as they shall both
assent thereto; Provided, such assent be given within
the time above prescribed therefor.
Passed May
23, 1853.
AN ACT to alter and change several Election District
lines in Carroll county.
Made part of
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland,
That so much of the fourth election district of Carroll
county, lying north and west of the Washington road,
shall hereafter be deemed and taken as part of the seventh
election district of said county; and that the division
line between election districts, five and nine, shall
be so far altered and changed as to commence at a point
where the present division line crosses the new Liberty
road, and running thence with a straight line to the
dwelling house now occupied by James McQuay, leaving
said McQuay's in district number nine, thence with
a straight line to the dwelling house now occupied by
John Hess, leaving said Hess in district number nine,
thence to the Washington road, then with said road to
Morgan's run, and up said run to the original division
Passed May
24, 1853.
AN ACT to authorise the County Commissioners of
Anne Arundel county to levy an additional sum upon
the assessable property of said county, for the support
of Primary Schools.
Authority to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the county commissioners of Anne
Arundel county, be, and they are hereby authorised