to pay whole
Certificates of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That in consideration
of the foregoing deed of conveyance and release, the
mayor and city council of Baltimore, shall by an ordinance
of the city bind the corporation to pay and discharge
the whole unsatisfied debt with all interest due
thereon, occasioned by the rebuilding of the court
house, and to release the county from all claims and
demands of the city on the county, of every nature
and kind from the earliest times to the present period;
and the said mayor and city council are further authorised
and required to issue certificates of stock to bear
five per cent. interest, and payable at the pleasure of
the corporation, within thirty years from the passage of
this act, to the amount of sixty-eight thousand five
hundred dollars, and to deliver the same to the county
commissioners for the benefit of Baltimore county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,
That so much of the
said valuation and division as relates to that part of the
joint property of the city and county of Baltimore,
which is commonly called the almshouse property,
shall be and remain unexecuted.
Authority to
sell almshouse
SEC. 4. And be it enacted,
That the county commissioners
of Baltimore county, and the mayor and
city council of Baltimore, be, and they are hereby authorised
and required to sell and dispose of, either at
public or private sale, on or before the first day of July,
in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, all that
part of the property belonging to Baltimore county
and the city of Baltimore, called the almshouse property,
with the improvements and appurtenances, in such
parcels and in such manner, on such terms and under
such conditions, as the said county commissioners and
the mayor and city council of Baltimore may agree
upon and determine; and in case the said property, or
any part thereof, shall remain unsold at the expiration
of the time hereinbefore limited for the sale thereof,
the said county commissioners and the said mayor and
city council of Baltimore, shall each appoint, within
six months from and after the said first day of July,
eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, one or more agent or
agents, the same number of agents to be appointed by
each of said bodies, and the said agents so appointed,
or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority,
and they are hereby directed and required to
sell at public sale the said property, or so much thereof
as may remain unsold, in such parcels and on such
terms as they shall deem advisable; Provided, however,
that public notice of any sale or sales to be made by
such agents shall first be given by advertisements, to be