and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and
defend in all courts of law and equity, and may
make and execute and deliver, and have or cause to
be made, executed and delivered to them, all deeds,
transfers, grants, covenants, contracts, agreements
and bargains whatsoever necessary for the purpose
and objects of said association; and may use and
have used a common seal, generally to do every other
act or thing necessary to carry into effect the object
and provisions of this act not inconsistent with the
Establish by-
Laws of the State or of the United States ; and to
ordain and establish such by-laws and regulations as
they shall deem necessary, proper or convenient for
conducting the affairs of the corporation hereby
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the objects of
said corporation are declared to be the pursuit and
recovery of stolen horses, mules and all other live
Objects of
stock and other personal property, and the arrest
and conviction of the thief or thieves, and to insure
the members of said corporation against loss or theft,
in such manner as shall be regulated by the by-laws
of said corporation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the manage-
ment of the affairs of said corporation, the members
Elect presi-
thereof shall annually elect a president, vice-presi-
dent, &c.
dent, secretary and treasurer, and directors, not to
exceed eleven, who shall be members of said corpora-
tion, who shall hold their office for one year, and
until their successors are elected, whose duties shall
be regulated by the by-laws, as also the duties of all
other members.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That candidates for
Members —
membership may be proposed by any member at
how elected
stated special meetings, and elected by ballot, and
upon receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be-
come a member of said corporation, upon paying an
admission fee of fifty cents ; and the annual con-
tribution of members shall be assessed and regulated
by the president and directors; and in event of the
failure to pay said annual contribution so assessed,
the same shall be collectable by said corporation as
a common debt according to law.