SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the members of
said corporation, in case of loss by theft of any prop-
erty described in section two of this act, and sustained
by any member of said corporation, shall have power
Power to ar-
to arrest within the limits of the State of Maryland
any person or persons in whose possession such
property may be found, or to arrest any person or
persons when there exists a reasonable ground of
suspicion that such person or persons stole the prop-
erty or received it into his or their possession, know-
ing it to be stolen; but in no case shall the said
members be allowed to enter the premises of any
person and search the same unless accompanied by
an officer with a warrant, as now authorized by the
laws of the State of Maryland.
SEC. 6. And le it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1878.
AN ACT to authorize, empower and direct the
County Commissioners of Anne Arundel county
to rebuild and repair the county jail, in said
county, and to make an addition thereto.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the County Commissioners of
Anne Arundel county be and they are hereby au-
thorized, empowered and directed to rebuild and
Rebuild jail.
repair the county jail for the said county, and to
make an addition thereto.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said County
Commissioners shall, as soon as practical, cause
a drawing to be made of the new part, and esti-
mates made of the necessary repairs, and adver-
tise for proposals for repairs of the old jail and the