sinking fund;" and no portion of said sinking fund
or its increase shall ever be diverted to any other
purpose than the increase thereof, until the maturity
of the bonds, when the whole amount, or so much
as may be necessary, shall be applied to the dis-
charge of the bonds then unpaid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said bonds
shall be applied to the payment of the present debts
How applied
of the corporation, and the coupons attached to said
bonds shall be receivable in payment of city taxes
on the requirement of the holder thereof.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall be
submitted to a vote of the legal voters in said city
for approval or disapproval of the issue of said
bonds, at an election to be held on such day as the
Submitted for
said Mayor, Counsellor and Aldermen shall appoint,
which election shall be held and conducted in the
same manner as the elections for Mayor, Counsellor
and Aldermen are now held and conducted, and
each voter, on his ballot, shall express his approval
or disapproval by writing or printing thereon the
words, "For the proposed issue of bonds," or
"Against the proposed issue of bonds." The re-
turns of said election shall be made to the Mayor,
who shall report the same to the corporation, and
publish the same in one or more of the city papers.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall be
published in at least two newspapers published in
the said city —— for at least one month before
the said election ; and the said Mayor, Counsellor
How opera-
and Aldermen of said city are hereby authorized to
pass such ordinance as may be necessary to carry
this act into effect.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
In force.
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1878.