voters therein, as hereafter provided, for the purpose
of paying such of the present debts of the city as
they may deem expedient to pay in that manner, to
Issue bonds.
issue to an amount not exceeding the sum of twelve
thousand dollars, bonds of the said city, heretofore
prepared, but never issued, under an ordinance of
said city, approved on the seventh day of June,
eighteen hundred and seventy, and now in the
possession of the said Mayor, Counsellor and Alder-
men; which bonds shall be signed by the Mayor,
sealed with the city seal, countersigned by the treas-
Exempt from
urer, and registered by the clerk of the corporation,
to be forever exempt from all taxation for any pur-
pose by the corporation of Annapolis; and the
property of the corporation shall be and is hereby
pledged for the payment of the said bonds and the
interest thereon ; and the bonds hereby authorized
shall be issued in denominations of one thousand
dollars, five hundred dollars, one hundred dollars,
and fifty dollars, as shall seem proper to the said
corporate authorities ; and they shall have printed
on them a distinct reference to this act, as author-
When re-
izing the issue thereof, and be redeemable at the
pleasure of the corporation at any time after six
years from the date thereof, and redeemable and
payable in thirty years after date.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of more effectually securing the payment of the said
bonds, the treasurer of the corporation shall in each
year set apart from the money collected under the
Create sink-
Ing fund.
annual levy, a sum equal to one-thirtieth part of the
aggregate amount of the bonds issued under this act,
which sums shall be placed to the credit of a sinking
fund for the redemption of said bonds at their ma-
turity; and the Mayor, Counsellor and Treasurer,
for the time being, shall be commissioners of said
fund, and shall make a particular report to the cor-
poration of the city of the condition thereof, in the
How invest'd
month of August in each year ; and the said com-
missioners shall from time to time invest the money
belonging to said fund and the increase thereof in
stocks of the State of Maryland, bearing not less
than six per cent, interest, or in the bonds of this
corporation ; and any bonds of the corporation pur-
chased for said fund shall be immediately cancelled,
by stamping across their face, " Purchased for the