AN ACT to authorize the Commissioners of Wi-
comico county to levy taxes on the assessable
property of said county for the purpose of cre-
ating a fund to liquidate indebtedness to Worces-
ter and Somerset counties.
Whereas Wicomico county is indebted to the coun-
ties of Worcester and Somerset in certain sums of
money, for the payment of which no provision has
heretofore been made by the Commissioners of Wi-
comico county when the same shall become due and
payable; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Commissioners of Wicomico
ers authonz'd
county be and they are hereby authorized to create
to create a
a fund for the purpose of liquidating said indebted-
ness to the counties of Worcester and Somerset when
the same shall become due and payable, and for that
purpose the said commissioners may levy upon the
taxable property of Wicomico county such a sum or
sums of money as they shall find necessary for said
Not to exceed
Surpose, not to exceed ten cents in the one hundred
ollars for any one year.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
Separate ac-
sioners shall open a book in which a separate account
of the monies arising from said levy shall be kept
and styled the county debt fund, and the monies ac-
Not be ap-
credited to this fund shall not be applied to any pur-
pose other than the paying of said indebtedness.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said
fund, until applied to said indebtedness, shall be in the
Sinking fund.
nature of a sinking fund, and the said commissioners
may invest and reinvest the same in whatever man-
ner they shall deem most conducive to the interest
Until the in-
of the county until the indebtedness which it is in-
tended to liquidate shall become due and payable,
when said fund, or so much of it as may be neces-
sary, shall be applied to the payment of said indebt-
edness, and the surplus, if any, shall be at the disposal