location of the Alms House of said county, to sell
the present site, and the land thereto belonging, and
to purchase a tract or tracts of land elsewhere, and
to erect buildings thereon for the accommodation of
the poor of said county, at such time as they may
deem expedient.
And whereas, it is desirable that the opinion of
the people of the county be ascertained as to
whether the proper time has arrived to carry out the
provisions of said law.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the qualified and registered
voters of Washington county shall determine by bal-
lot, at the ensuing election for a representative in
Shall deter-
mine by ballot
the Congress of theUnited States, in fall of eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight, whether or not it is ad-
vantageous that the change in the location of the
Alms House be made, and the provisions of chapter
three hundred and eleven of the acts of eighteen
hundred and seventy-two of the General Assembly
of Maryland be forthwith carried out.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at said election
the ballots cast favoring said change shall have writ-
ten or printed on them the words : " For the removal
Ballots shall
of the Alms House," and the ballots cast opposing a
have on them.
change, shall have written or printed on them the
words : " Against the removal of the Alms House,"
and the said ballots so cast immediately after said
election shall be carefully counted by the judges of
said election in each district of said county, and the
pending judge of said district, or in case of their in-
ability to attend, either of the other judges shall at
the time they cast up the vote for a representative
in Congress also cast up the vote for and against the
removal of the Alms House, and certify the result
Certify result
of said voting to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
said county, who shall file the same in his office and
certify the result of the same under his hand and
the seal of his office to the County Commissioners
of said county.
Approved April 1, 1878.