AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled an act to
incorporate the Isabella Gas Works of Frederick
city, passed by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, at its January session, eighteen hundred and
fifty-three, chapter two hundred and thirty-four,
and also an act supplementary to an act, entitled
an act to incorporate the Isabella Gas Works
of Frederick city, passed by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, at its January session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-two, chapter sixty-nine.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the affairs and business of the
Isabella Gas Works of Frederick city shall be con-
ducted and managed by a board of directors, con-
sisting of not less than five nor more than ten
and managed
persons, to be selected by the stockholders of said
corporation according to the provisions of section
five of the original act of incorporation; and said
board of directors may determine the number of
May deter-
which said board of directors shall consist, and are
hereby vested with power to make and fill said
board with the required number of the same as if
vacancies existed in said board of directors.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no person shall
No person
act as a director of said corporation unless said direc-
shall act as
tor, before he acts as such, shall make oath or affirma-
tion, before some justice of the peace, that he will
well and faithfully perform the duties imposed on