AN ACT to incorporate a Turnpike and Tramway Company,
to be known as the Baltimore and Washington Turnpike
and Tramway Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Charles H. Stanley, Daniel Ammen, Benja-
min F. Beall, Lewis Ford, Charles F. Shaffer, Charles B.
Calvert, C. F. Fleister, George W. Kellogg, Edward Phelps,
Harry C. Frost, M. W. Chollos, Robert Ober, Ellery Coffin,
General John Gill, of Baltimore City, S. Gambrill and
James Brittenhouse, both of Prince George's County and
W. H. Baldwin, of Baltimore City, be and they are
hereby appointed incorporators, who shall cause books to
be opened in Washington City, Baltimore City and such
other places along the contemplated line of said road, at
such times and places as they or a majority of said incor-
porators may deem advisable for the purpose of receiving
subscriptions to the capital stock of the company incorpo-
rated by this act, notice having been given, as the said
incorporators, or a majority of them, may deem expedient, of
the time and place of opening said books, and continue the
same open from time to time, as long and as often as they
may find necessary to complete such subscription.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
compauy shall be one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in
shares of twenty dollars each, with authority to increase
said capital stock to three hundred thousand dollars ; and
all individuals and bodies corporate are hereby authorized
and empowered to subscribe for such amount of said stock
as they may think proper.
SEC. 3. And be it enactde, That whenever oue-tenth of the
shares of the said stock shall be subscribed for, then the
said subscribers shall be declared to be incorporated by the
name of " Baltimore and Washington Turnpike and Tramway
Company " for the making of a turnpike road from the north-
eastern limit of the District of Columbia to the city of Balti-
more, and by said name to have succession, and shall be
capable in law to have, hold, purchase, possess and enjoy to
them and their successors lands and tenements, chattels and
effects of what kind nature or qualtity soever, and to borrow
money for corporate purposes or uses, not exceeding in the
aggregate five thousand dollars per mile, and to mortgage
the property of the said company for that purpose, road-bed
and profits ; and to do all other acts necessary for carrying
into effect the object of this act of Assembly, and the same