to grant and dispose of, to sue and be sued, plead and be
impleaded in any court of record or any place whatsoever ;
to make and use a common seal, and the same to alter at
pleasure, and also to ordain, establish and put in execution
such by-laws and regulations as shall seem necessary and
convenient for the government of the said corporation
and the management of its affairs; provided the same be
not repugnant to the laws and constitution of the State of
Maryland, or of the United States.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever shares to the
extent of at least one-tenth of said capital stock shall have
of sub-
been subscribed, the said company shall call a general meet-
ing of said subscribers in the city of Baltimore, at such-
place as they may determine, and a majority of those at said
meeting shall be empowered to elect a president and direc-
tors, being stockholders, to manage the affairs of the com-
pany for one year and until a new election shall be held in
the manner directed by the by-laws of said company, and
that every subscriber at all meetings of the company shall
be entitled to one vote for every share, he, she, it or they
may own.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said president and
directors shall appoint the time and place and direct the
manner of holding the election for president and directors,
which shall be annual ; may provide for calling general
meetings of the stockholders, the mode of transferring the
stock of said company, and of reasonable proof of owner-
ship therein for that purpose ; and may have authority to
fix the amount of toll to be paid by persons using or pass-
ing along said road, not exceeding two cents per mile for
each and every mile travelled on said road, by each and every
horse, head of cattle, chaise, wagon, carriage, buggy, etc.
SEC. 6 And be it enacted, That the president and direc-
tors, so to be chosen, be and they are hereby authorized and
Power to
empowered to cut, dig and make a turnpike road not less
than sixty feet in width, of which forty feet may be an
artificial road of stone or gravel or other hard substance
with an additional width of forty feet for a tramway ; pro-
vided that the said company shall have the right to use the
present road, known as the Baltimore and Washington turn-
pike road, with power, however, to deviate therefrom in
part, with consent of the County Commissioners of Prince
George's, Howard and Baltimore Counties, whenever the
said company may deem such deviation necessary or judi-
cious, the said president and directors first obtaining in
writing the consent of the owners of such land over which
the road shall pass ; or if such consent cannot be had,