said road, and which is thereby ratified, shall have the
power to unite, connect and consolidate with any railroad
Power to
company or companies, either in or out of this State, so
and Con-
that the capital stock of said companies so united, connec-
ted and consolidated respectively, may at the pleasure of the
directors, constitute a common stock, and the respective
Companies, may therefore constitute one company and be
entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities which
each of them possess, have and enjoy under and by virtue
of their respective charters.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Baltimore
Lease and
and Cumberland Railway Company shall have the power to
lease or purchase, connect with and operate any railroad or
railroads, either in or out of this State, for the purpose of
carrying on its business; and shall have power to lease or
sell the railroad constructed by it to any other corporation
created by the laws of this State, or any other State, or
make any agreement or contract for the use of the said rail-
road, and of all or any of its property, on such terms and
for such time as may be agreed upon between it and any
other corporation created by the laws of this or any other
State, or between it and any individual or individuals as it
may deem best for the interest of said company.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That in case of an
agreement for the union, connection or consolidation of the
Baltimore and Cumberland Railway Company with any
other railway company created by the laws of this State, or
any other State, whose capital stock may be of the par
value of one hundred dollars for each of its shares, then the
said Baltimore and Cumberland Railway Company is hereby
Right to
fix value
empowered, at the pleasure of its directors, to fix its shares
of Shares
of capital stock at the par value of one hundred dollars
each, instead of fifty dollars each, as provided by the cer-
tificate of incorporation of said company, and by the Gen-
eral Laws of Maryland, for the incorporation of railroad
companies; and such alteration of the par value of said
shares, if deemed necessary by the board of directors, may
be made by the exchange of two shares of the old for one
share of the new stock, in such manner as the board of
directors may direct.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Balti-
more and Cumberland Railway Company is hereby author-
sized and empowered to establish its principal office in the
city of Baltimore, and to increase its capital stock to ten
million dollars upon the vote of a majority of its share-