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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 94   View pdf image (33K)
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property so sold, and the said deed shall convey to the purchaser the
said property and shall be presumptive evidence that all the re-

quirements of law have been complied with in making such sale

and deed.

SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That the chief bailiff shall attend

the meetings of the commissioners and perform such duties as they


shall direct; shall preserve the peace and good order of the town,

and for this purpose is invested with the same power and authority

as any constable has under the laws of this State.

SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the chief bailiff shall make all


collections required of him and pay the same to the clerk within six

months from the time the tax bills are placed in his hands.

SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That the president shall preside at

all meetings of the commissioners, and shall have all the powers of
a justice of the peace in criminal cases when the. commissioners are


a party, and shall receive the same fees allowed a justice of the

peace in similar cases, and an appeal from his judgment, where the

demand or fine exceeds five dollars, may be taken to the circuit

court for Montgomery county, which shall hear and determine the

matter as upon appeals from a justice of the peace.

SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That the chief bailiff shall have the

same fees for making distress for taxes as are allowed county collec-

tors; and for making arrests or serving process for violations of any


ordinances of the corporation the same fees as are allowed con-

stables for similar services; and when the chief bailiff fails to dis-

charge any of the duties of his office, he may be fined not exceeding

ten dollars for any one offense.

SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That any fines, penalties and for-

feitures imposed by this charter, or by any ordinance of the com-


missioners, may be collected by proceedings in the name of the

commissioners as other small debts are collected, or a justice of the

peace shall have power to commit the offender to the county jail

on failure to pay such fines and forfeitures until the same shall be

paid with costs.

SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall not


expend, or contract to expend, in any one year, more money than

the amount receivable from taxes and other sources for that year.

SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for the

county, justices of the peace, sheriff, constables and all State and

county officers shall have, hold and exercise their offices and juris-

diction in said town as if this charter had not been granted and

County of-

the commissioners of Montgomery county shall annually pay to the
commissioners of Brookeville a sum equal to all taxes levied for the

repair of roads upon the real property in said town, to be used on

the public streets of said town for the maintenance and repair


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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 94   View pdf image (33K)
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