hundred and eighty-six, and recorded among the aforesaid land
records in liber J. B., number ten hundred and ninety-two, folio
one hundred and fifty, &c.
Seventeenth. And whereas, by deed dated April ninth, Anno
Domini, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and recorded among
aforesaid land records in liber J. B., number ten hundred and
ninety-two, folio one hundred and fifty-two, &c., said minister
and trustees of the methodist protestant church of west Baltimore
station in the city of Baltimore, did grant and convey both of
said lots of ground in fee to the president and directors of the
German fire insurance company of Baltimore city, a body cor-
porate under the laws of this State.
Eighteenth. And whereas, by indenture dated April fourteenth,
Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and recorded
among the aforesaid land records in liber J. B., number ten hun-
dred and ninety-two, folio one hundred and fifty-four, &c., said
president and directors of the German fire insurance company of
Baltimore city, did lease said lots of ground to said minister and
trustees of the methodist protestant church of west Baltimore
station in the city of Baltimore, for the term and at the rent in
said indenture set forth, which said rent under the terms of said
lease is made redeemable, hereafter at the time therein specified.
Nineteenth. And, whereas, said corporation, the minister and
trustees of the methodist protestant church of west Baltimore
station, in the city of Baltimore, is now possessed of the lease-
hold interest in said lots of ground, the title to the same being
acquired under and through the several conveyances hereinbefore
mentioned, and said corporation is also desirous of hereafter re-
deeming the rent reserved under the last mentioned lease and of
acquiring the reversionary and fee-simple interest in said lots of
Twentieth. And, whereas, doubts have been suggested as to the
validity of the title of said corporation to said property, or to any
subsequent grant of the fee in said lots until the sanction of
the general assembly shall have been given to each of the several
hereinbefore mentioned conveyances, and the successive acquisition
holding and disposal of said property by each of the respective
corporations hereinbefore mentioned, and also to any future acqui-
sition of the fee in said lots of ground by said minister and
trustees of the methodist protestant church of west Baltimore
station, in the city of Baltimore aforesaid.
Twenty-first. And, whereas, said corporation, the minister and
trustees of the methodist protestant church of west Baltimore
station, in the city of Baltimore, is desirous of having the leave
and sanction of the General Assembly to each of the hereinbefore
mentioned conveyances and its title to said property thereunder
ratified and confirmed; therefore,