SECTION 2. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the leave and sanction of said general assembly be and is
hereby given to each of the several hereinbefore mentioned con-
veyances of lease, assignment and deed, and that the leave and
sanction of said general assembly be and is hereby given to the
successive acquisition, holding and disposal of the lots of ground
situate in the city of Baltimore particularly mentioned and
described in said conveyances by each of the several hereinbefore
mentioned religious corporations under respective conveyances to
them as recited, and that the leave and sanction of the said gen-
Ro sanc-
eral assembly be and is hereby given to the acquisition and
present holding of the leasehold! interest in said lot of ground by
the minister and trustees of the methodist protestant church of
west Baltimore station in the city of. Baltimore under the several
conveyances to said corporation hereinbefore mentioned as well as
under the several conveyances hereinbefore mentioned through
and under which the title of said corporation to said lots of ground
is derived and traced, and that the title of said corporation to said
lots of ground under said several conveyances be and is hereby
ratified and confirmed so far as the sanction of the general assem-
bly is necessary to the same.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the sanction of the general
assembly be and is hereby given to the acquisition by the said
minister and trustees of the methodist protestant church of west
Baltimore station in the city of Baltimore, of the reversionary and
fee-simple interest in said lots of ground at any time hereafter by
gift, grant or demise to the acquisition and holding by the minis-
ter and trustees of the methodist protestant church of west Bal-
timore station in the city of Baltimore, of the fee-simple title in
and to a lot of ground in the city of Baltimore under a deed from
Patrick H. Walker and wife, to said corporation dated the ninth
To sanc-
day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and
duly recorded among the land records of Baltimore city in liber
J. B., number ten hundred and ninety-two, folio one hundred and
fifty, and also to the acquisition and holding by said minister and
trustees of the methodist protestant church of west Baltimore
station in the city of Baltimore, of the leasehold interest with the
privilege of hereafter acquiring the reversion in and to a lot of
ground in the city of Baltimore under a lease from the "President
and directors of the German fire insurance company of Baltimore
city," to said corporation, dated the fourteenth day of April, in
the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and duly recorded
among the land records of Baltimore city in liber J. B., number
ten hundred and ninety-two, folio one hundred and fifty-four.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1890.