said town and to contract for, purchase in fee-simple or lease for
a term of years any land, real estate, spring, brook, water-works,
water and water-course, aud to use and occupy forever, or for a
term of years, any land, real estate, spring, brook, water-works,
To con-
water or water-course which they may deem expedient and neces-
sary for the purpose of furnishing said town with water, and
also the right to enter and pass through from time to time as
occasion may require, and to use and occupy the said lands through
which they may deem it necessary to convey said water, and they
are hereby vested with all the right and powers necessary for the
introduction of water into the said town.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said water board are hereby
authorized and empowered to agree with the owner or owners
thereof for the purchase of any land, real or leasehold estate,
spring, brook, water-works, water or water-course, earth, timber,
stone or other material which they may need or require in the
building, extending or improving said water-works, and to make
any such purchase for such price as may be agreed upon, and the
title to any such land, real or leasehold estate, spring, brook,
water-works, water or water-course, earth, timber, stone or other
material shall vest in the mayor and councilmen of said town.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said water board are hereby
authorized to contract with any person or persons for the furnish-
ing of any machinery, water-pipe or other material necessary to
be used in building, extending or improving the said water-works
in said town, and they are also authorized to make all necessary
and proper contracts with any person or persons for furnishing
labor for said purposes, and may in their discretion let out the
whole of the said work to such contractor or contractors as they
deem best, or may hire and employ workmen by the day and pur-
chase material in such greater or lesser quantities as they may
deem most conducive to the interest of the town, and they are
authorized to employ one or more competent engineers, superin-
tendents and foremen to lay out and supervise said work.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if the said water board cannot
agree with the owner or owners of any real or leasehold estate,
spring, brook, water or water-course, earth, timber, stone or other
material, or with the owner or owners of any real or leasehold
estate or land through which they may find it necessary to have
a right of entry or passage for the purpose of conveying water
into said town; or if the owner of such real or leasehold estate,
spring, brook, water or water-course, earth, timber, stone or other
material is under any disability or incapacity to contract, or ab-
sent from the county, or unknown, it shall be lawful for said
water board to apply to any justice of the peace of Allegany
county, who shall thereupon issue his summons under his hand