and seal, directed to the sheriff of said county, requiring him to
summon a jury of twenty inhahitants of said county, not inter-
ested in the property to be valued, to meet on or near the land or
other property to be valued, on a day named in said summons,
not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days after the issuing
of the same, for the purpose of condemning such property.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That if at the time named in said
summons any of said jurors summoned do not attend, the sheriff
shall immediately summon as many jurors as may be necessary
with the jurors in attendance to make up the full number of
twenty jurors, and from them each party, or his agent, or if
either be not present in person or by agent, the sheriff, for him,
may strike off four jurors, and the remaining twelve jurors shall
act as a jury of inquest of damages; and the sheriff shall, before
the jury shall proceed to act, administer to each of them an oath
that they will justly and impartially value the damages which
the owner will sustain by the use or occupation of the property
required for the purposes of this act.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the jury shall have power to
summon such witnesses as the parties may require, and examine
them on oath in relation to the value of the property to be con-
demned; and having viewed the said property and heard said
testimony, they shall without delay, ascertain and determine the
compensation which ought to be made to the party owning or
being interested in said property to be condemned; and shall
thereupon reduce their inquisition to writing and sign and seal
the same, and it shall then be returned by the sheriff to the clerk
of the circuit court for Allegany county, shall be filed by the
clerk of said court and shall be confirmed by the said court at
the term next succeeding the filing thereof with said clerk, un-
less sufficient cause to be contrary be shown, and when confirmed.
shall be recorded by said clerk at the cost of the mayor and coun-
cilmen of Frostburg; and if any objections be filed to such con-
firmation, they shall stand for hearing within the first ten days of
the first term of the court after said inquisition is returned; and
if said inquisition is set aside, said court may direct another in-
quisition to issue as is practiced iii other condemnation cases.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That every such inquisition shall
describe the property taken and the bounds of the lands con-
Give title
demned and the quantity or duration of the interest condemned,
and such valuation when paid or tendered to the owner of said
property or his attorney, shall entitle said mayor and councilmen.
to the estate and property so valued as fully as if the same had
been conveyed by the owner thereof.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said water board are
hereby authorized and empowered to do all acts necessary and
proper to the carrying out of the provisions of this act, whether