SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That there shall be held
annually, on the first Tuesday in June in each and
every year, a general meeting of the stockholders
of said company, to receive and consider the annual
report of the president and directors for the preced-
ing year, and elect their successors, and to transact
any and all other business relating to said canal
and the affairs of said company which may be
brought before them ; at all meetings of the stock-
holders a majority in value thereof shall be neces-
sary to constitute a quorum, and in case at any of
said annual meetings of stockholders, or any other
meetings thereof, -whether regular or special, a
quorum should not be present, an adjournment may
be had to some other day, and so from time to time
until the attendance of a quorum shall be obtained.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said company
shall begin the construction ten years from the date
of the passage of this act, and shall complete the
same within twenty years from the commencement
thereof, and the said canal and the works to be
Time for be-
erected thereon, when completed, shall forever there-
after be esteemed and taken to be manageable as
a public highway, free for the transportation of all
goods, commodities and produce whatever, on pay-
ment of tolls to be imposed by the said president
and directors under powers vested in them by this
SEC. 6 And be it enacted, That as soon as any part
of said work is completed with necessary locks and
open navigation, the said company is hereby author-
ized and empowered to collect tolls and exercise as full
and complete jurisdiction over the same as if the
whole was completed ; and no parts of the same as
Collect tolls
if the whole was completed, and no parts of the
rights and privileges hereby granted shall be taken
away by reason of the failure to complete the whole
work, or by uniting with any other canal or stock
water company, both or altogether forming one con-
tinuous navigation from the terminus of the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal, at Georgetown, to the city of