vided by the by-laws of said company, and each
share thereof shall entitle the holder thereof to one
vote in the meeting of the stockholders of said com-
pany, to be given either in person or by proxy, duly
appointed by an instrument in writing, properly
executed before some officer authorized to take ac-
knowledgments of deeds; and for the purpose of
obtaining subscriptions to the said capital stock,
books shall be opened under the direction of A. P.
Open books.
Gorman, E. Pratt, Robert T. Baldwin, Gilmor Mere-
dith, Charles F. Meyer, I. M. Parr, H. G. Davis,
Henry Loveridge, Lloyd Lowndes, James A. L.
McClure, James G. Berritt, William H. Smith, or
a majority of them, at such time, in such places, and
under such regulations as to the mode, manner and
time of payment and otherwise as they, or a majority
of them, shall deem expedient.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever sub-
scription to the amount of one hundred thousand
Meet and or-
dollars shall have been obtained, the subscribers, or
a majority in value thereof, shall have authority to
meet and organize said company, by the election of
one of their number to the office of president of said
company, and six others also from amongst their
number to the office of directors of said company,
who shall hold their respective offices for the term
of one year thereafter, or until their successors shall
be duly elected and qualified, with power to said
president and directors to fill any vacancy which
may take place amongst them during their term of
office, by the election of such other person or per-
sons from amongst the stockholders as they may
select; and the said president and directors so
elected, and their successors duly appointed, shall
have and exercise all the powers now possessed and
Power to fill
enjoyed by the president and directors of the Ches-
apeake and Ohio Canal Company under its charter,
and the several amendments and supplements there-
to, not herein otherwise provided for, and shall at all
times be removable by a vote of a majority of the
stockholders of said company at any public meeting
duly called after thirty days' public notice, said
meeting to be held at the principal office of said
company, and shall receive such compensation for
their services as the stockholders may from time to
time determine.