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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That upon

the making and perfecting of the agreement and

act of consolidation, as provided in the preceding

section, and upon a copy of such agreement or article

being filed with the Secretary of State, the several

File copy of

corporations, parties thereto, shall be deemed and


taken to be one corporation, by the name provided

in the said agreement or articles, possessing within

this State ail the rights, privileges and franchises,

and subject to all the restrictions, disabilities and

duties of the said Baltimore and Hanover Railroad


SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That upon the con-

summation of the said act of consolidation, as pro-

vided in the preceding sections, all and singular, the

rights, privileges, franchises, debts, choses in action

and stock subscriptions, and all property, real per-

sonal and mixed, belonging to said Baltimore and

Hanover Railroad Company, shall be taken and


deemed to be vested in such new or consolidated

vested in new

corporation without further act or deed, and all


rights of way and all and every other interest shall

be as effectually the property of 'the new or consoli-

dated company as they were of the said Baltimore

and Hanover Railroad Company; provided, how-

ever, that all the rights and remedies of any cred-

Remedies of

itors of said Baltimore and Hanover Railroad Com-


pany, and all liens and rights of liens upon the prop-

erty of said company, shall be preserved unimpaired,

and all debts, liabilities, contracts and duties of the

said company shall attach to and be enforceable

against said new or consolidated corporation to

the same extent as if such debts, liabilities, con-

tracts and duties had been incurred or contracted

by it.

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That suits may be

brought against such consolidated company in any

of the courts of this State, for all causes of action,

in the same manner as against other corporations of

Suits may be

said State, and process may be served upon the pres-


ident, directors or other officer, or if there should

be no such officer in the county or city where the

suit shall be brought, then upon any of the con-

ductors or managers of trains in its employment.

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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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