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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if a consolidation

shall be effected between the Baltimore and Han-

over Railroad Company and said Bachman Valley

Railroad Company and the Hanover Junction, Han-

over and Gettysburg Ilailroad Company, and the con-

May consoli-

solidated company shall desire to consolidate with

date with oth-

one or more companies owning or about to construct

er companies

a railroad to or in the direction of Harrisburg, such

consolidation may be made in the manner and sub-

ject to the restrictions hereinbefore stated.

SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall

take effect when the same shall have been accepted

How effec-

by a majority of the shareholders of the Baltimore


and Hanover Railroad Company at a meeting duly

convened for the purpose, and the consolidation of

the Baltimore and Hanover Ilailroad Company, and

of said companies as hereinbefore provided, shall be-

come operative under whatever corporate name or

names which may be selected whenever and as'soon

as said companies shall have from time to time

agreed to consolidate their several companies into

one, and shall have settled and agreed upon the terms

of such consolidation in conformity with the pro-

visions of this act, and shall have made a full record

Make full re-

and report thereof, certified by the president of the

cord and re-

first or of the subsequent consolidated company, as


the case may be, and shall have transmitted the same

to the Secretary of State, to be recorded and pre

served in his office, a copy of which record, duly

authenticated under the seal of the State, shall be

evidence thereof in all courts of justice in this State.

Approved March 15, 1880.


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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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