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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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may be entered into between the consolidating com-

panies, subject to the conditions following: First,

that all existing contracts, engagements and liabili-

Existing con-

ties of the said Baltimore and Hanover Railroad

tracts bind-

Company shall continue to bind said company and


its property as fully as before the consolidation
hereinabove authorized. Second, that all laws of

the State of Maryland which would be operative

Laws opera-

upon the said Baltimore and Hanover Railroad Com-


pany shall be equally operative upon such consoli-

dated company, so far as its operations and property

may be within the jurisdiction of the State of Mary-

land. Third, that the capital stock of the consoli-

dated company shall be the aggregate amount of the

capital stock of the consolidated companies, and of

Capital stock

such par value as may be fixed by the agreement or

article of consolidation. Fourth, that said consoli-

dated company, for the purpose of retiring any


bonds heretofore, issued by the consolidating compa-


nies, or for other purposes, shall have power to issue

bonds, not exceeding the aggregate amounts which

might have been issued by the companies which may

be so consolidated, of such denominations as may be

determined by said consolidated company, and shall

have power to secure the payment of the principal

and interest thereof by one or more mortgages upon

its present, and after to be acquired, property, net
revenues and tolls. Fifth, the board of directors

shall consist of such number of shareholders as may

Number of

be determined by the article or agreement of con-


solidation, or by the shareholders in such consoli-

dated company, provided the number of directors

shall be not greater than the largest number fixed

for the board of directors by the charters of any of

the companies so to be consolidated. Sixth, that por-

tion of the railroad of the consolidated company

situated in the State of Maryland shall be subject

to taxation, and its capital stock, securities and roll-

Subject to

ing stock shall also be subject to taxation by the


State of Maryland in the proportion that the length

of its line of railway in this State shall bear to its

entire line of railway, and its earnings from all

sources in the State of Maryland shall be subject to




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Session Laws, 1880
Volume 395, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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