in the construction, .maintenance and operation of
this work as are now held and enjoyed by the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company tinder its
charter and the several amendments thereto ; there-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly
of Maryland, That A. P. German, A. S. Abel], E.
Pratt, Robert T. Baldwin, Gilmor Meredith, Charles
F. Meycr, I. M. Parr, H. G. Davis, Henry Love-
ridge, Lloyd Lowndes, James A. L. McClure, James
G. Berritt, Wm. H. Smith, Joseph K. Roberts, Jr.,
Barnes Compton, Doctor S. Lynch, G. W. Nutwell,
and such other persons as may become associated
with them, in the manner hereinafter provided ;
and they are hereby constituted a body corporate
and politic, by the name of the "Chesapeake Bay
and Potomac Tide-Water Canal Company," and as
such shall have all the rights, powers, exemptions,
privileges and franchises now held and enjoyed by
Constituted a
the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, under its
body corpo-
charter, passed by the Legislature of the State of Vir-
ginia at the December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-three, and ratified by the State of Maryland
at the December session, eighteen hundred and twen-
ty-four, and the several supplements thereto, so far
as the same may be applicable for the purpose of
constructing a canal, and all the dams, locks, feed-
ers and other works and devices of every sort or
description, appertaining thereto, in constructing a
canal from such point on Herring bay, by the most
available route, to the eastern branch of the Poto-
mac river, as the president and directors may select,
and in the same manner and to as large an extent
as if said rights, powers, exemptions, privileges and
franchises had been particularly gran ted to the Chesa-
peake Bay and Potomac River Tide-Water Canal
by this act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
Capital stock.
of the said Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River
Tide-Water Canal Company shall consist of three
millions of dollars, divided into thirty thousand
shares, of the par value of one hundred dollars each,
which shall be considered as personal property, and
shall be transferable in such manner as may be pro-