Approved April 10, 1880.
AN ACT to incorporate the Chesapeake Bay and
Potomac River Tide- Water Canal Company.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland, in giving her
assent to the charter of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal Company, expressly reserved the right of the
State to charter and construct a lateral canal to con-
nect with the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal at some
point within the District of Columbia, which reser-
vation was assented to by the Congress of the United
States; and
WHEREAS it is now more than ever necessary to
secure to the city of Baltimore a portion of the large
and increasing trade of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal, which can only be effected by the construc-
tion of a branch canal from the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal ; and
WHEREAS to secure this trade to the State of Ma-
ryland and the city of Baltimore it is only necessary
to construct twenty-six miles of canal from the
Beaver Dams creek, on the eastern branch of the Po-
tomac river, head it, and across to the western branch
of the Patuxent, down it and the main river to
Lyon's creek, up it and across to Herring bay on
the Chesapeake ; therefore, it is the intention of this
act to construct a canal from such point on the Ches-
apeake and Ohio Canal, within the District of Co-
lumbia, to Herring bay, as the board of directors
may select, and to use such portions of the Potomac
River, near the eastern branch, and such portion of
Herring bay as they deem best, and to confer upon
the company, hereby incorporated, all and similar
rights, powers, exemptions, privileges and franchises,