132 OYSTERS. [ART. 72.
1906, ch. 711.
109. The lessee of any land leased for the purpose of plant-
ing and cultivating oysters shall have exclusive ownership of
and title to all oysters planted by him or existing on the land
110. No assignment or transfer of any interest hereby
acquired shall be valid for any purpose if made to a non-
resident of this State. If any such assignment is attempted to
be made, all interest of the grantor or assignor shall revert to
the State, as if no lease had ever been made. If any assignment
of any interest created by this sub-title is attempted to be
made to any corporation, or joint stock company, all the inter-
est of the grantor or assignor shall revert to the State as if no
lease had ever been made. If any assignment of any interest
created by these provisions is attempted to be made to any person
in such a way that the assignee shall become the holder of
more than ten acres, or one hundred acres, as the case may be,
according to the location of land hereby leased, all interest of
the grantor, or assignor, in case of such an assignment, shall
revert to the State as if no lease had been made.
111. It shall be lawful for any tonger, between the 15th day
of April and the 15th day of May in any year, to take oysters
from such natural beds or bars in the tonging districts of the
Chesapeake bay and its tributaries, as the commission may
mark out for that purpose, and under such regulations as said
commission may from time to time prescribe; and provided,
however, that said oysters may be sold only for the purposes
now permitted under the existing laws of Maryland, during the
season of the year above mentioned; and in addition thereto, to
persons engaged in the industry of planting and cultivating oys-
ters within the area designated herein, the same to be delivered
only upon lands which may have been leased under these pro-
visions for said purposes of planting or cultivation.
112. It shall not be necessary for any holder of oyster land
under these provisions to take out any license for dredging,
scraping or tonging oysters on any land so held by him, and