register; second, land leased under this sub-title shall be used
only for the purpose of planting and cultivating oysters; third,
no right shall exist to redeem or purchase any land of the
State so leased; fourth, any other modifications caused by these
1906, ch. 711.
106. The commissioners shall at once notify the lessee of
the record in the register required by section 104, and the
lessee shall, as soon thereafter as practicable, not exceeding
thirty days from the receipt of said notice, cause the ground
designated as leased to him to be plainly marked out by stakes,
buoys or monuments, under the supervision of the commis-
sioners. At least four of such stakes, buoys and monuments
shall have the initials of the lessees plainly marked upon them,
and such stakes, buoys or monuments shall be at all times
during the existence of said lease continued by said lessee or
his legal representative.
107. These provisions are not intended to apply to any lands
owned by private persons, the bounds of which extend below
low water into or beneath the waters of this State. This sub-
title shall not be so construed as to apply to any creek, cove or
inlet less than one hundred yards in width at its mouth at low
108. Any person who has, prior to April 2, 1906, lawfully
appropriated or taken up any land in this State, for the purpose
of planting, bedding or cultivating oysters thereon, may become
a lessee of said land for the term of twenty years from April
2, 1906, with all the incidents, including the payment of the
rents, of the leases herein contemplated by this sub-title, pro-
vided such person gives written notice to the board of shell fish
commissioners of his intention to become such lessee within
six months after the passage hereof. The holding of any per-
son who may have appropriated any such land shall become
void and of no effect in law upon the expiration of the said
period of six months from the passage hereof, if no such notice
of intention will have been given within said period of six