oysters on such land may be taken in any manner and at such
times as may be desired by the holder of such land as allowed
by the existing laws of this State.
1906, ch. 711.
113. Any person who shall wilfully and without authority
take or remove oysters from any land leased under the pro-
visions of Sections 111 and 112, or shall wilfully injure or
interfere with the oysters of such land in any manner, or injure
the oysters thereupon situated, or remove, alter or interfere
with the stakes, buoys or monuments marking the same, shall,
upon conviction thereof, for the first offense, be sentenced to
imprisonment in jail or in the penitentiary, in the discretion of
the court, for not less than three months and not more than
two years, and for the second, or any subsequent offense, be
sentenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than
two years and not more than five years.
114. Any person who shall work a dredge, scrape or pair
of tongs, or any other implement for the taking of oysters
upon any land leased under these provisions without the con-
sent of the lessee or owner, or who shall, while upon or sail-
ing over any such ground or bed, cast, haul, or have over-
board any such dredge, scrape or pair of tongs or other imple-
ment for the taking of oysters, under any pretense, or for any
purpose whatever, without the consent of such lessee or owner,
upon conviction thereof, shall, for the first offense, be fined not
less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred and fifty
dollars, or, in the discretion of the court, be imprisoned in jail
or in the penitentiary for not less than three months, nor more
than one year, or shall be both so fined and imprisoned, and for
the second or any subsequent offense shall be sentenced to
imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than two years
nor more than five years.
116. Any person who shall make his boat fast to a State
buoy or remove the same, or in any manner interfere therewith,
the same shall, in the discretion of the court, upon conviction
thereof, be sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of not less
than one year nor more than two years.