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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 130   View pdf image (33K)
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130 OYSTERS. [ART. 72.

The application shall be sworn to before a justice of the peace
of this State. A fee of five dollars shall be paid by the appli-
cant to the board of shell fish commissioners at the time of
filing the application, which fee shall be returned to the appli-
cant if his application shall be for any reason declined.

1906, ch. 711.

104. If such applicant be a resident of the State of Mary-
land, and if no objections to the issuing of the lease asked for
in any such application be filed with the commissioners within
the period of thirty days after such application is made, or as
soon as any objections that may have been filed to the granting
of such lease will have been finally overruled by said commis-
sioners, the said commissioners, upon payment by the appli-
cant of a further fee of two dollars and a-half, in addition to
the fee of five dollars, which is to accompany his application,
shall cause to be entered in a book or books to be known as
"the register of titles to oyster lands, " the name of the appli-
cant, with a concise but clear description of the land applied
for. A survey of such land at the expense of the applicant
shall be made by the board before the entry, if, in its opinion,
said survey is necessary to an accurate description thereof.
The payment of the proper fees due for the application and
record in the register required by this section to be kept shall
constitute between the State and the applicant the relation of
landlord and tenant for the term of twenty years, from the
record of the lands so applied for as aforesaid, at the annual
rentals provided in section 98.


105. The relation of the landlord and tenant, stated in sec-
tion 104, shall have all the incidents attaching to that relation
as the same exists under the laws of Maryland, excepting only
the following particulars: First, the only remedy of the State
for non-payment of the rent of oyster lands shall be the strict
enforcement of the provisions set forth in section 98 of this
sub-title. Upon the non-payment of any rent for the time
therein mentioned, it shall be the duty of the board of shell
fish commissioners, after a written notice of not less than ten
days to the lessee, to declare the lease vacated by stamping the
word "void" in distinct letters across the description in the


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John Prentiss Poe. Supplement to the Maryland Code of 1904..., 1906
Volume 394, Page 130   View pdf image (33K)
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