116. Proceedings for — Jurisdictional
averments — Parties to — De-
crees — Sales
Pleadings — Practice— Process.
186 B. Corporate seal not required
to pleadings of corporations.
188 Sales of real estate of deceased
debtors on creditors' bill.
Funeral expenses to extent of
$300 to be considered a debt.
To what persons this section
shall apply
205. Bond to be given by trustees
under conveyances for benefit
of creditors. Where bond is
to be filed.
205 A. Where property is to be sold
upon a contingency, bond not
required until contingency
arises. Where bond is to be
filed. Reports of sales by
205B Sales heretofore made by
trustees under deeds where
trustees gave bond with one
surety only made valid. Pro-
1900, ch. 205.
116. The court may decree a partition of any lands, tene-
ments or hereditaments, or any right, interest or estate therein,
either legal or equitable, on the bill or petition of any joint
tenant, tenant in common, or any parcener or any concurrent
owner, whether claiming by descent or purchase, or if it
appear that said lands, tenements or hereditaments, or right,
interest or estate therein, cannot be divided without loss or
injury to the parties interested, the court may decree a sale
thereof, and a division of the money arising from such sale
among the parties, according to their respective rights; this
section to apply to cases where all the parties are of full age,
and to cases where all the parties are infants, and to cases
where some of the parties are of full age and some infants,
and to cases where some or all of the parties are non compos
mentis, and also to apply to cases where any or all of the parties
are non-residents; and any party, whether of full age, infants
or non compos mentis, may file a bill under this section, an
infant, by his guardian or prochein ami, and a non compos