6 BANKS. [ART. 11
Commissioners for Revision of Laws Relating to Banks—Trust
Companies and Building and Loan Associations.
36. Governor shall appoint Commissioners to revise laws relating to
Banks, Trust Companies and Building and Loan Associations—
Their tenure and duties.
1900, ch. 464.
36. The Governor shall appoint seven commissioners, who are
hereby constituted a board of commissioners by the name and
style of Commissioners for the Revision of the Laws of the
State of Maryland relating to State banks, savings banks,
fidelity and trust companies and building and loan associa-
tions, one of which commissioners shall be the president of a
State bank, one the president of a trust company, one the presi-
dent of a fidelity company, one the president of a savings bank,
one the president of a building and loan association, one a
member of the Baltimore bar, and the other to be selected as
may be deemed advisable by the Governor, and such commis-
sioners shall hold office not exceeding two years, and shall serve
without compensation. It shall be the duty of said commissioners
to examine all the laws of the State of Maryland relating to
the formation, organization and regulation of State banks, savings
banks, fidelity and trust companies and building and loan asso-
ciations, and to make such recommendations to the General
Assembly session of nineteen hundred and two for amendments,
additions, revisions and repeal of such laws as may seem expe-
dient to such commissioners.