mentis by his committee, and if any contract hath been made
for the sale of any lands, tenements or hereditaments held as
aforesaid, or any interest therein for or on behalf of any infant,
idiot or person non compos mentis, which the court, upon
hearing as aforesaid and examination into all circumstances,
shall think for the interest and advantage, both of such infant,
idiot or person non compos mentis, and of the other person or
persons interested therein to be confirmed, the court may
confirm such contract; and all sales and deeds made in pursu-
ance of and agreeably to an order of the court in the exercise
of the above power shall be good and sufficient in law to trans-
fer the estate and interest of such infant, idiot or person non
compos mentis in such lands, tenements or hereditaments,
according to the true intent and meaning of such deeds,
respectively; and in all cases of deeds executed in the exercise
of the above power, the same shall be executed and acknowl-
edged by such person or persons as the court may appoint for
the purpose. And wherever any bill or petition is filed under
provision of this section for the sale of lands, persons holding
mortgages and other encumbrances on an undivided interest
therein, may be made parties to said bill, and the lands shall
be sold free and clear of such mortgages or other incumbrance,
and the rights of the lienors shall be protected in the distribution
of the proceeds of the sale of such lands.
1900, ch. 73.
186 B. It shall not be necessary for the answer or any other
pleadings of a corporation to be under the corporate seal.
1900, ch. 390.
188. Where any person dies, or shall have died, leaving any
real estate in possession, remainder or reversion, and not leaving
personal estate sufficient to pay his debts and costs of adminis-
tration, the court, on any suit instituted by any of his creditors,
may decree that all the real estate of such person, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, shall be sold to pay his debts; and
the funeral expenses of the decedent, to be allowed in the dis-