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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)
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1878, Ch. 114.

821. The mayor and city council of Baltimore are authorized,
with the county commissioners of any adjoining or neighboring
counties thereof, to purchase all bridges and turnpike roads,
or any portions thereof leading towards said city, at such times
and upon such terms as said mayor and city council and said
county commissioners on the one part, and the owners of such
bridges and highways on the other, may mutually agree, and
when so purchased, all or any of them shall thereafter be free
public highways, and as such, under the care and management of
said mayor and city council and said county commissioners, as
they may, respectively, provide and stipulate as between them.

Pumphrey v. Mayor, &c., 47 Md. 145.

1886, ch. 280.

822 They may exercise in reference to opening streets and
alleys through Cathedral cemetery or burial ground in said city
all the rights and powers which they have, or which may here-
after be conferred upon them, in reference to opening streets,
lanes and alleys in the said city.

1886, ch. 24.

823. The mayor and city council of Baltimore and the county
commissioners of Anne Arundel county are empowered and
directed to cause to be erected and maintained at their joint
expense, lamps along and on Light-street bridge, not more than
seventy-five yards apart; provided, that there shall be at least
one lamp at each end of the draw of said bridge; and the said
lamps shall be attended to, cleaned, lighted at night and extin-
guished in the morning by the keeper of said bridge.

1888, ch. 98, sec. 27.

824. The bridges which the county commissioners of Balti-
more county have heretofore agreed to build within the limits of
the territory which has become annexed to Baltimore city under
the act of 1888, chapter 98, shall be completed by the city of
Baltimore: and all bridges within the limits of said territory


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)
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