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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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more, may cede to said city such parts of said roads as lie within
the corporate limits of said city; and the same, when ceded, shall
be in all respects subject to the same regulations as unpaved
public streets.

Hooper v. Pres. &c. of Balto. & Yorktown Turnpike Road, 34 Md. 521.
Balto. & Havre de Grace Turnpike Co. v. Union Railway Co. of Balto., 35
Md 224

P. L. L, (1860,) art. 4, sec. 862.

819. The mayor and city council of Baltimore shall have
power to clean the streets, and remove the dirt and filth there-
from, and to prohibit and punish by ordinance the placing of
any dirt, filth or other matter therein, and may protect any pave-
ment by prohibiting the travel thereon; and the said mayor and
city council may also erect lamps in any of the streets, lanes or
alleys of said city, and cause the same to be lighted at the
expense of the city.


1878. ch. 59.

820. The bed of North 'avenue, throughout its entire length,
shall in all respects be hereafter held as the bed of any other
street or avenue in Baltimore city, so far as the same be laid
down on Poppleton's map of Baltimore city, and subject to all
the conditions or requirements of any other street or avenue in
said city; and any and all of the ground fronting thereon,
whether in Baltimore city or county, shall, in the event of said
avenue, or any part thereof, being graded, kerbed, paved, shelled,
graveled, or in any like manner improved, be subject to the same
assessment for the cost of said grading, kerbing, paving, graveling,
shelling, or like improvement, as would be the case with ground
fronting on any other street or avenue in the city, similarly to be
improved as aforesaid; and such ground and the owners and
representatives thereof shall in such event be held liable; for said
assessments, and the said avenue be subject to all the acts of
assembly and ordinances of the mayor and city council of Balti-
more which are now or may be hereafter in force and
applicable for the grading, kerbing, paving, graveling, shelling,
or any like improvements of streets or avenues in Baltimore city.

Mayor, &c. v. Porter, 18 Md. 284. Mayor, &c. v. Horn, 26 Md. 194.
lister v. Mayor, &c., 29 Md. 419.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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