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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 545   View pdf image (33K)
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1874, ch. 218.

810. They shall have and are vested with full power
and authority to provide by ordinance for the grading, shell-
ing, graveling, paving and kerbing, or for the regrading,
reshelling, regraveling, repaving and rekerbing of any street
lane or alley in said city, or part thereof, now condemned,
ceded or opened as a public highway, or which may hereafter be
condemned, ceded, opened, widened, straightened or altered
according to the laws and ordinances regulating the same; and
also for assessing the costs of any such work, in whole or in part,
pro rata, upon the property binding on such street, lane or alley,
or part thereof, and for collecting such assessments as other city
taxes are collected.

Mayor, &c. v. Scharf, 54 Md. 499. Mayor, &c v. Johns Hopkins Hospital,
56 Md. 1. State v. Taylor, 59 Md. 339. Moale v. Mayor, &c., 61 Md. 224.
Mayor, &c. v. Johnson, 62 Md 225. Alberger v. Mayor, &c , 64 Md. 1.


811. They shall also have and are vested with power
and authority to provide by general ordinance for the grad-
ing, graveling, shelling, paving or kerbing, or for the re-
grading, regraveling, reshelling, repaving or rekerbing of any
street, lane or alley, or part thereof, in said city, without the
passage of a special ordinance in the particular case, whenever
the owners of a majority of the front feet of property binding
on such street, lane or alley, or part thereof, shall apply for the
same, upon terms and under conditions to be prescribed in said
general ordinance, and for the assessment in any such case, of
the cost of. such work, in whole or in part, pro rata, upon all the
property binding upon such street, lane or alley, or part thereof,
and for the collection of such assessment as other city taxes are

Henderson n. Mayor, Ac., 8 Md. 352. Holland v Mayor, &c., 11 Md. 186.
Bouldin v. Mayor, &c , 15 Md. 18. Mayor, &c v. Eschbach, 18 Md. 276.
Howard v. First Independent Church of Balto., 18 Md. 451.


812. A tenant for ninety-nine years, or for ninety-nine years,
renewable forever, or the executor or administrator of such tenant,
or the guardian of an infant owner, or a mortgagee in possession,


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 545   View pdf image (33K)
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