shall be deemed and taken as an owner for the purposes of any
application to the mayor and city council authorized by this sub-
title of this article; and the application of any such person shall
bind the property so represented for any assessment or tax made
under an ordinance passed in pursuance of the provisions of this
sub-title of this article.
Holland v. Mayor, &c., 11 Md. 186. Wolff v. Mayor. &c., 49 Md. 446.. Handy
v. Collins, 60 Md. 229. Mayor, &c. v. Boyd. 64 Md. 10.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 842.
813. Where real estate within the said city has been or may
be divided according to law among heirs, legatees, joint tenants
or tenants in common, entitled to the same, and such division
calls for any of the streets, lanes or alleys, or any part thereof,
surveyed and laid off under the act of 1817, chapter 148, or
reserves any of the said streets, lanes or alleys, or any part thereof,
as open, and divides such estate with reference thereto, the mayor
and city council may, on application of one or more persons inter-
ested in the ground to be taken on such application, adopt and
sanction by ordinance the principle under which such division
was had, and open any of the said streets, lanes or alleys, or any
parts thereof, in the said division reserved or recognized; pro-
vided, at least one week's notice in the newspapers of said city,
(the cost of the advertisement to be paid by the applicants,) be
given of such application before any such ordinance shall pass.
Ibid. sec. 850.
814. All the streets, lanes or alleys opened in the manner
directed in the preceding section shall be public highways, and
be subject to the laws, regulations and ordinances applicable to
public streets, lanes or alleys, or parts thereof, in said city.'
Ibid. sec. 851.
815. They may, on the application of the owners of a majority
of feet in front of any private wharf, dock, street, lane or alley,
cause the same to be paved, cleaned out, mended or otherwise re-
paved or kept in good condition or repair, and may impose upon
and collect from all the proprietors of the property so to be
cleaned put or repaired, a tax sufficient in amount to defray the