from time to time, which shall be deemed necessary and proper
to exercise the powers and effect the objects above specified.
Mayor, &c. v Moore, 6 H. & J. 375. Mayor, &c. v. Hughes, 1 G. & J. 480.
Alexander v. Mayor, &c , 5 Gill, 383 Methodist Protestant Church v. Mayor,
&c., 6 Gill, 391. White v. Flannigan, 1 Md. 542. Moale v. Mayor, &c , S Md.
321. Steuart v. Mayor, &c , 7 Md 500. State v. Graves, 19 Md. 351. Mayor
&c. v. Bouldin, 23 Md 328. Mayor, &c. v. Clunet, 23 Md. 449. Hawley v.
Mayor, &c , 33 Md. 280. Page v. Mayor, &c , 34 Md. 558. Norris v, Mayor,
&c, 44 Md 598. McCormick c. Mayor, &c,, 45 Md. 527. Northern Central
R. R. Co. o. Mayor, &c , 46 Md 425. Brooks v. Mayor, &c , 48 Md. 265.
Mayor, &c, v St. Agnes Hospital of Balto , 48 Md 419. Black v Mayor, &c.,
50 Md 235. Mayor, &c. o. Reitz, 50 Md 574 Tinges v. Mayor, &c , 51 Md.
600. Hiss v Balto & Hampden Pass. Railway Co., 52 Md 242. McMurray v.
Mayor, &c., 54 Md 103. Hall e Mayor, &c , 56 Md. 194. Mayor, &c. v. Black,
56 Md. 333. Hodges v. Balto Union Pass. Railway Co , 58 Md. 603. Mayor,.
Ac. o. White, 62 Md, 362. Mayor, &c v Hook, 62 Md. 371. B. & O. R. R. v.
Boyd, 63 Md. 325. Glenn o. Mayor, 67 Md. 390.
P. L. L., (1860,) art. 4, sec. 838.
807. Before they shall pass any ordinance under the preceding
section, at least sixty days' notice shall be given of any application
for the passage of such ordinance, in at least two of the daily
newspapers in the said city.
Mayor, &c v Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F., 44 Md. 436. Dashiell v. Mayor,
Ac., 45 Md. 616. Mayor, &c. v. Little Sisters of the Poor, 56 Md. 400.
Ibid. sec. 830.
808. Before any commissioners appointed by any ordinance
of said corporation under the two preceding sections shall pro-
ceed to the performance of their duty, they shall give notice in
at least two of the daily newspapers in the city of Baltimore of
the object of the ordinance under which they propose to act, at
least thirty days before the time of their first meeting to execute
the same.
1874, ch. 218. 1888, ch. 285.
809. The mayor and city council of Baltimore are authorized,
and empowered to provide, by general or special ordinance, for
the establishment and change from time to time of the grade
lines of any street, lane or alley, or part thereof, now or hereafter
marked, located or kid out upon the plan of said city.
Dashiell o. Mayor, &c., 45 Md. 616. Burns v. Mayor, &c , 48 Md. 198,
Mayor, &c., v. Hanson, 61 Md. 462. Kelly e Mayor, &c., 65 Md. 175.. '