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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2115   View pdf image (33K)
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ART. 24.] ALMSHOUSE. 2115

ment with the county commissioners, and for whose compensa-
tion the said commissioners may allow such sum as they shall
think just.

P. L L., (1860,) art. 22, sec. 16.

16. Under the penalty of fifty dollars each, they shall make
out and render to the county commissioners at their first meeting
in April in each year, a statement of their accounts and expendi-
tures, with the necessary vouchers for the preceding year, which
accounts shall be passed and settled by the county commissioners
previous to making the appointment of trustees for the ensuing

Ibid. sec. 17.

17. The overseer of the almshouse, before entering upon the
discharge of his duties shall give bond, payable to the said
trustees, with sufficient sureties, in the penalty of five hundred
dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his


Ibid. sec. 18.

18. He shall keep a list of all poor, beggars, vagrants, vaga-
bonds, and other offenders committed to the said almshouse, and
lay the same before the said trustees at their regular meetings, or
oftener if required.

Ibid. sec. 19.

19. He may compel any of the inmates of said almshouse to


Ibid. Bee 20.

20. He shall keep a regular account of all the stock, farming
utensils and other things that may conic to his hands, and of the
crops and other articles made on the estate of said almshouse, and
of all the expenses and charges attending the maintenance of the
poor therein, and of all moneys received by him from the sales of
the produce of their labor, and on the first Monday of April in
each year, shall return tho same to the said trustees, with an affi-
davit annexed, to bo administered by one of the said trustees, that
the same is just and true; and the trustees shall lay the same
before the county commissioners at the time of making their


Ibid. sec. 21.

21. Any one of the trustees of the poor may in writing direct
the admission of any poor person into said almshouse.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2115   View pdf image (33K)
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