P. L. L., (1860,) art. 22, sec. 22.
22. Any justice of the peace for said county, or anyone
authorized by a justice of the peace, may apprehend or cause to
be apprehended any rogues, vagrants, vagabonds, beggars and
other idle, dissolute and disorderly persons found loitering or
residing in said county, who follow no labor, trade or occupation,
and have no' visible means of subsistence, and commit them to
said almshouse for any term not exceeding three months, there to-
be kept at hard labor; and the overseer shall receive and employ
them according to the tenor of their commitment.
Ibid. sec. 23.
23. Upon complaint made to any justice of the peace that any
person from his disorderly conduct gives disturbance to a neigh-
borhood and is likely to become chargeable to the county, the
said justice, if upon hearing the party he shall judge the com-
plaint to be well founded, may commit such disorderly person to
the said almshouse for any time not exceeding three months,
unless he shall find security, in the discretion of the justice, in
any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, for his good behavior during
the space of six months.
Ibid. sec. 24.
24. Upon complaint and due proof made by any one trustee,
or any overseer, to any justice of the peace, that any person in
said almshouse has behaved in a disorderly manner, or has
refused or neglected to perform his daily labor and task, or to
obey and observe any of the rules or by-laws of said corporation,
the said justice may direct such moderate correction, not exceed-
ing thirty-nine lashes, to be given to such offender, as the nature
of the case may require.
Ibid. sec. 25.
25. If any person shall sell and dispose of any strong liquor
or other thing to any inmate of said almshouse, he shall forfeit,
and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars.
Ibid. sec. 26.
26. All fines and penalties imposed by this sub-title of this
article may be recovered before a justice of the peace for said
county by suit in the name of the State, or by indictment in the