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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2114   View pdf image (33K)
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P. L. L., (1860,) art. 22, sec. 8.

8. They may use a common seal, and may change the same at
their pleasure.

Ibid. sec. 9.

9. They may make such by-laws and rules for the better re-
lieving, regulating and setting the poor to work, and punishing
vagrants, beggars, vagabonds and other offenders, and for the
good government of the almshouse, as they may think proper.

Ibid. sec. 10.

10. All meetings of said trustees shall be held at the alms-

Ibid. sec. 11.

11. They shall meet at the almshouse on the Wednesday after
the first Monday in January, and the Wednesday after the first
Monday in June, annually, arid at such other times as they shall
deem proper, and by a majority of votes of such as may be
present, may make, alter or amend the rules and by-laws afore-

Ibid. sec. 12.

12. They may purchase beds, bedding, working tools, kitchen
utensils, cows, horses and other necessaries, for the use of said
almshouse and the employment of the inmates thereof.

Ibid. sec. 13.

13. They shall dispose of all products arising from the cultiva-
tion of the lands belonging to said almshouse, beyond what may
be necessary for the maintenance of the inmates thereof, and
shall annually return an account thereof, under oath, to the
county commissioners, on the first Monday of June, and pay the
same to the said commissioners for the use of the county.

Ibid. sec. 14.

14. They shall annually, in the month of August, appoint an
pvcrseer of the said almshouse, a physician, and such other agents
as they may deetn necessary, and fix their compensation, and may
remove them at pleasure.

Ibid. sec. 15.

15. They shall appoint one of their own body clerk, who shall
keep the accounts, and prepare all necessary statements for settle-


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 2114   View pdf image (33K)
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