Act of 1880, Chapter 417
AN ACT to amend section five of article four of
the Constitution of this State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, Three-fifths of all the members of
the two Houses concurring, that the following sec-
tion be and the same is hereby proposed as an
amendment to the constitution of this State, and if
adopted by the legal and qualified voters thereof as
herein provided, it shall supersede and stand in the
place and instead of section five of article four of
said constitution.
SEC. 5. After the election for judges as herein-
before provided, there shall be held in this State, in
every fifteenth year thereafter, on the Tuesday after
the first Monday in November of such year, an
election for judges as herein provided; and in case
of death, resignation, removal or disqualification, by
reason of age or otherwise, of any judge, the Gov-
ernor shall appoint a person duly qualified to fill
said office, who shall hold the same until the next
general election for members of the General Assern-