bly, when a successor shall be elected, whose term
of office shall be the same as hereinbefore provided ;
and upon the expiration of the term of fifteen years
for which any judge may be elected to fill a vacancy,
an election for his successor shall take place at the
next general election for members of the General
Assembly to occur upon or after the expiration of
his said term; and the Governor shall appoint a
person duly qualified to hold said office from the
expiration of such term of fifteen years until the
election and qualification of his successor.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted by the author-
ity aforesaid, That the said foregoing section here-
by proposed as an amendment to the constitution
shall be, at the next general election to be held in
this State, submitted to the legal and qualified voters
thereof for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance
of the directions contained in article fourteen of the
constitution of this State; and at the said general
election the vote on said proposed amendment to
the constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each
ballot there shall be written or printed the words
"for the constitutional amendment," or "against
the constitutional amendment," as the voter shall
elect, and immediately after said election due re-
turn shall be made to the Governor of the vote for
and against said proposed amendment, as directed
by the said fourteenth article of the constitution.
Approved April 10, 1880.